
Deploy the Todo app diagram into your cloud.

App source code here: https://gitlab.com/opscanvas-public/todo.

Configure deployment

From the application diagram, click deploy in the upper right.

Set environment metadata

The values in the screenshot below are for reference and can be changed however you see fit. In order to deploy to a cloud, you will need to create a deploy target.

Set health check endpoints

Private services are deployed as pods to the Kubernetes cluster provisioned by OpsCanvas. K8s calls health end-points in pods to ensure that they have started successfully. To configure these endpoints slide open the Todo API tray and update the values startup_path, liveness_path and readiness_path. The values in the screenshot below MUST match exactly

  • startup_path: /_/start

  • liveness_path: /_/live

  • readiness_path: /_/ready

NOTE: At this time this configuration change must be made each time you deploy the Todo API private service.


Save and continue:

Accept Ts & Cs:

Monitor deploy logs

Deployments can take a while up to 40 minutes, during that time you will see output from the IaC operators as your environment is provisioned.

After the application is deployed successfully you can visit the OpenAPI documentation generated for the service at:

https://<app name>-<env name>/<org-name>.opscanvas.io/todo-api


Last updated